In order to collate our audience feedback, I constructed a questionnaire to hand out to our focus group, of 19 people, after they had seen our full production, so they could give us feedback at the end. I made a few short video clips, and the following answers and statistics were given.
1. Would the five minute segment encourage you to watch the full documentary? Why?
"The first five minutes would definitely encourage me to watch the full documentary because you had really informative interviews and the information was really interesting."
"It contained good vox pops."
100% of our focus group said yes the five minute segment would encourage them to watch the full documentary.
This statistic gave us confidence in our documentary as every person within the focus group said they would continue to watch the full documentary.
2. How informative would you say the documentary clip was? Why?
"I’d say on a scale of 1 to 5 the documentary was very informative a 4, as it covered a lot of important issues as weight is constantly in the media and it affects a lot of teenagers and young adults so I also think it fits your target audience well."
73% of our focus group thought are documentary was very informative.
This made us feel as though everything in our documentary was relevant as one of the main purposes of it is to give information about body image.
3. Do you think this is an appropriate documentary for channel 4? Why?
95% of our focus group thought are documentary are either very appropriate or extremely appropriate for channel 4.
We were pleased with this result as nearly all of our focus group thought our documentary was appropriate for our scheduling.
4. What target audience do you think this documentary is aimed at?
68% of our focus group thought the documentary was aimed at young adults and the other 32% thought it was aimed at female adults.
This increased our confidence in our production as our focus group identified our target audience of young adults.
5. Do you think the camerawork looked professional? Why?
“I think the camerawork looked really professional as it followed all the codes and conventions of documentaries, also included a lot of creative camera shots which were really interesting.”
100% of our focus group said that the camerawork looked professional.
We were extremely pleased with this result because it made us feel confident about our camera skills and the quality of our production.
6. How do you think the camerawork and editing compares to that of a professional documentary?
53% of our focus group thought that our editing and camerawork compares very well to that of a professional documentary.
This makes us feel fairly confident as over half of our focus group agree that it compares well to a professional documentary.
7. Do you think the music fitted with our documentary? Why?
“The music fitted really well with your documentary as you included chart music which is relevant to your audience, also some of the songs you used linked well with the images.”
100% of our focus group said the music fitted well with our documentary.
8. Do you think we could make any changes to the documentary?
“If you wanted to make any changes I would say you should adjust the sound levels as in some parts the music is a little loud.”
84% of our focus group said yes we could make some changes to our documentary.
We took these criticisms on board and went back to the editing process and adjusted our sound levels to improve our documentary.
9. What do you think are the strengths of our documentary?
“Your documentary has a lot of strengths; all your interviews are framed really well and the cutaways are really creative (the people spinning on chairs).”
“I like the interview with Christian Jessen and how you edited him in-between the interview with the Gastric Band Patient.”
10. What do you think are the weakness of our documentary?
“There are only a few weaknesses with your documentary; the title sequence is too dark and the “Beauty” on the sequence is too faint.”
“One weakness with your documentary is the sound levels need adjusting and possibly make the editing smoother as a few of the shots are a bit jumpy.”
11. Do you think the print advert is effective and makes you want to watch the documentary?
“I really like the print advert as the contrast was really good between the two faces and it was intriguing as I wanted to know why the model looked so different.”
53% of our focus group thought our print advert was very effective in making people want to watch the documentary, whilst only 5% thought it was fairly effective.
12. Do you think the radio trailer is effective and makes you want to watch the documentary?
“I thought the radio clip had really catchy music and clips from the documentary would definitely interest me to watch the documentary. However, some of the documentary clips were too quick and I couldn’t hear them all.”
42% of our focus group thought our radio trailer was very effective in making people want to watch the documentary whilst 37% of people thought it was only fairly effective.
These are the conclusions we were able to make from the audience feedback which we received about our documentary:
The subject of our documentary is something our audience found interesting and wanted to know more about as we covered a big issue in today’s society.
The first five minutes was successful and made the audience want to watch the full documentary. This was because we had interesting interviews and because it is a popular topic which our audience wanted to know more about.
We also discovered that our documentary was perfect for our targeted audience as our focus group identified are specific group as “young adults”, which is what we were aiming for.
We also found that we had a few minor changes which were pointed out by our audience such as the sound levels were not consistent, and due to this in one part the voice over was not clearly heard. But this is something we have been able to amend before finalising our production.
We also found that we have created an interesting and eye catching piece through our content. As we managed to get an interview with Christian Jessen which our audience thought was good. This is because he creates an anchorage with body image but also with Channel 4 as he presents solely on this channel.
Facebook Feedback
We also put our documentary on our Facebook pages so we could get different types of feedback from our target audience. These are the comments we got...
We also put our print advert on Facebook and we received these comments:
We put our radio trailer on Facebook and these are the comments it received: