Saturday 10 July 2010


During the filming of our mobile phone interview/documentary we kept in mind the codes and conventions that featured in the existing products we had previously watched, with this knowledge, we then tried to apply the conventions to our own interview. We have a few strengths in our interview; mainly the cutaways which we used to break up the interview, the cutaways are relevant to the topic f the documentary: mobile phones. Another strength was the backing track we used as it had no lyrics to distract our audience from the main focus of our documentary; the interview.

However, our interview had several weaknesses such as; the interviewee was positioned to the right of the screen but was also looking right this means that the interviewer was on the incorrect side of the camera and should have been standing to the right of the camera. Another weakness was that our interviewee had too much space above her head which means the rule of thirds was not followed correctly, also our cutaways had a few jump cuts which means we had made a mistake in the editing process.

To conclude, we made a lot of mistakes in both our filming and editing of our interview, and many of the conventions were not followed thus making our documentary poor in comparison to existing products. However, we will be able to compare this interview to our final documentary and see a mass improvement.

Thursday 8 July 2010



This is a screen grab of the editing software Adobe Premiere Pro that we used to edit our video

This is the title designer tool that we used to create the title for the video

This is the tool we used to record the cutaways so that we would be able to insert and edit them into the final video


We filmed the interview using a medium close up of our interviewee and we framed her using the rule of thirds in which the interviewee’s eye line is roughly a third of the way down the screen. The interviewee is positioned to right side of the screen as they would in any conventional documentary with the interviewer standing at the side of the camera. We filmed the interview with a white wall behind the interviewee so that the mise-en-scene would not be distracting for the viewer.
For our cutaways we filmed an assortment of clips that are related to the topic of mobile phones; we filmed a clip that began with an extreme close up of buttons on a mobile phone, which then zoomed out to reveal a wider shot of multiple phones. Another clip we filmed was a medium shot of a person talking on their mobile phone. Our next cutaway featured two clips of a close up of a mobile screen, one receiving a text and another showing the phones contacts.