Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Documentary Analysis - The Boy who was a Girl

Type of Documentary:
Mixed/ Self Reflective


Narrative Structure:
Closed - The girl Natasha becomes a boy “John”
Linear - The documentary shows how “John” develops in time order

Establishing shot of detached houses which suggest the documentary is set in a middle class area
A handheld camera is used throughout the documentary to make the audience seem more involved
The interviews are shot in medium close up, where the interviewee is either to the left or right of the screen with the eye line 1/3 of the way down the screen, with the background being a shallow depth of field
Low angle of “John” and mum on couch which suggests they have the power in the documentary
Zoom in off testosterone gel reinforces the development from girl to boy
Close up of ballet shoes is in contrast to the testosterone gel
High angle shot of mum which suggests that “John” has more power in the situation, which is reinforced by a long shot of “John” and his mum whereby his mum is positioned facing his back
Close up of hand on wrist which suggesting comfort and love
Over the shoulder shot of mum followed by a shot reverse shot to “John”
Long shot of doctors room with a dim lighting
Extreme close up of doctors hand writing notes
Contrast of close up of a muscular arm to a close up of “Johns” skinny arm
Extreme close up of Johns face to show final emotion of joy

Mise en Scene:
Interviews – reflecting something about life or occupation - doctor sat desk, in suit to suggest power
Contrast between semi detached houses to the city
Johns bedroom pink which conflicts with the Marilyn Manson posters and skulls
Contrast of boy in school uniform at the start to a young man in a shirt at the end
Barber shop connotes males

Voiceover – narrator is the young boy “John”
Music reflected subject matter/mood
Fast paced music in the gym
Sad music and the beginning which contrasts against the happy music at the end “Your love keeps lifting me higher” (Rod Stewart)
Editing: Montage - pictures from girl to boy
Cuts - most common edit in documentary
Fade to black

Archive Material:
Pictures of Natasha
Videos of Natasha and the school sports day surrounded by boys
Home Videos
Stock footage - Street, gym, and roads

The title of the programme reflects the subject matter by using the gender symbols within the title
Text – White, sans
The top line (name of person talking) is in bold and is slightly bigger than the second line (occupation), aligned to the left.
The pictures i have used are screenshots from the documentary.
Below is a clip from the documentary.

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