The first interview I conducted was with the local sun bed shop worker I filmed it in medium close up, however as this was the first interview I had conducted solo I had many faults such as the camera was not high enough and I was stood on the wrong side of the camera. Fortunately we are not using her in our updated running order however I am sure if we needed to do the interview again she would be more than happy to help.
5th October 2010
Following that interview Charlie and I went to my Nan’s work to interview her boss Jane who has recently had a gastric band put in. We filmed her in a close up shot in her office; we chose this mise en scene so that it anchored her job occupation whereby she spends the majority of her day in the office. However, again we encountered a few problems such as standing on the wrong side of the camera and the height differences, but we saw that during the interview it was wrong so amended it so that I was on the right side of the camera at the same eye level as Jane.
7th October 2010
The next interview our group conducted was with my nail technician I filmed this interview by myself in the waxing room so that there was not any noise interference from the salon. I filmed Jenny in a medium close up and I sat on the right side of the camera thus suggesting I had learnt from previous mistakes. I also filmed Jenny against a white wall so that her black uniform would contrast against it; I also got part of the waxing bed in to anchor to the audience what her job occupation was. Also, whilst in the nail salon I filmed a woman getting her false nails filed, and nail polish bottles for the cutaways.
8th October 2010

11th October 2010
I then emailed Maverick TV to try to get in touch with Helen who helped us to film Dr. Christian Jessen so that we would be able to thank her. This is the email I received back from, Dave Jones who is the Head of New Media.
12 October 2010
Today our group spend the lesson planning how we were going to film our storyboard and trying to get in contact with Mark the Drag Queen whom we are trying to get an interview with. Also, we begin filling in our track log sheet so when we come to the editing process it will be easier to find and discard pieces of film that we no longer need.
13th October 2010
Charlie and I went to her uncles hair salon and filmed him in a mid shot with a relevant mise en scene; a hairdryer, and a person getting there hair cut in the background. It took us three tries as we wanted to make sure the frame and sound was correct before we left. When we got back to the classroom we contacted both Debenhams and John Lewis through the phone and asked to speak to both store managers, Debenhams said there was no way we could film. However, John Lewis said we can film next Thursday 21st October at 12pm in the make up section, as I am not available to go due to other A level course commitments Charlie and Jenny will go to film the interview with the make up artist.
15th October 2010
Charlie and I went to Liverpool to re do our vox pops as the ones we did last week were framed wrong, we got a few good shots and a few good answers which we can use in our documentary. We tried to do three different vox pop questions but only two turned out well as the third "Have you considered plastic surgery?" kept getting the same answer "no". Also, we left the camera for five minutes in the middle of Liverpool town centre so that we could film shoppers in the street and in our documentary we will do it in fast motion so that it appears to be more busy. We also tried to film a tracking shot in Boots of the make up ranges, however Boots told us we were not allowed to film inside the shop so we were kicked out.
19th October 2010
Charlie, Jenny and I filmed our opening titles in the break out area using a stop motion technique to make our title sequence look animated it took a lot of time to set up as we didn't want any shadows or tripod legs in the shot, and the stop motion is very time consuming. We also went to Steven the hairdressers again because the framing of his face was incorrect and the microphone was not close enough to him. Also, on the last attempt we had a customer in the background who kept moving thus making a distraction throughout the interview.
Charlie also managed to confirm our interview with a make up artist in John Lewis for the 21st October at 11:30am.
21st October 2010
Charlie, Jenny and I went over to John Lewis this morning to film an interview with a skin specialist/ make up artist we managed to get a good 10 minutes of question and answer with the interviewee (Pam). We also managed to film several cutaways of make up and skin care ranges such as Dior, Clinque and Elemis. As we were not allowed to be in the documentary clip ourselves and could not ask a member of the public to get a make over we had to ask the woman who was escorting us around the building (Emily from marketing). The shot of her getting a make over is a good quality over the shoulder shot from the make up artist at benefit.
12th November 2010
Today Jenny filmed some stock footage for our documentary of people spinning on a chair to create the illusion that they were in a hairdressers so that our documentary flows. Whilst she was doing that I finished tweaking our documentary whilst Charlie looked for celebrity pictures for our montage, at the beginning of our production. I also took a camera home with me so that i could film my nails which i painted several different colours so that we could do a montage of hands to flow into our nail technician interview.
15th November 2010
Today my group printed out celebrities who were mentioned in our vox pop and stuck them onto a wall so that we could film them creatively and showcase our camera control and skills. We also printed out pictures of celebrities who have had serious weight problems so that we can do a montage of celebrities so our documentary flows from hairdressing into gastric band procedures.